The Village of Spires

Oldenburg Renewable Energy Commission (OREC) envisions a thriving community where residents and businesses actively consider the environmental impact of their daily activities, and strive to leave the world better than they found it.
Greenhouse gas emissions report
Key findings from the Oldenburg greenhouse gas emissions inventory, presented to the Oldenburg Town Council on Nov. 4, 2019.
OREC's recommendations to reduce Oldenburg's carbon footprint.
Oldenburg greenhouse gas emissions in 2017

Oldenburg Renewable Energy Commission (OREC) envisions a thriving community where residents and businesses actively consider the environmental impact of their daily activities, and strive to leave the world better than they found it.
OREC was created in September 2018 by the Oldenburg Town Council as a study group to engage with residents, businesses and municipal staff to collaborate in an effort to reduce carbon emissions and other environmental impacts.
Together as a community, we can transform Oldenburg into a model of sustainable development.
(Front row left to right) Annette Grisley OSF, Claire Whalen OSF, Betty Lou Walsman
(Back row left to right) Richard Cartwright, Michael Cambron, Don Lamping, Daryl Werner, Steve Kristoff, Mary Meyer, David Walsman (not pictured: Brian Mason and Rachel Stark-Mason)
Links to Renewable Energy Resources
July 2019 Report to Oldenburg Town Council
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory June 2019 press release
Press Release for OREC Booth Activities at 2019 Freudentfest
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Team and Town Council President
(Left to Right) Steve Kristoff, Claire Whalen-OSF, Zachary Blomer, Michael Cambron, Denny Moeller (Town Council President)

PROJECTS & Other news